Mood & Psychiatric Treatment Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Rank Higher in the Organic Placement of Search Engines

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

Craft Your Online Message, Ads, and Targeting

Psychiatric & Mood Disorder Treatment Marketing

Your treatment center is designed to treat patients with depression, anxiety, and other mood and psychiatric disorders. You run a great facility with a great success rate, but how do you find new patients looking for treatment? You’ve probably tried traditional marketing tactics such as magazines, referral networks, billboards, etc. with little to nothing to show for it. The problem is, you’re neglecting the one major traffic source where people are actually looking for your services: online. That’s where we can help.

We help all types of treatment facilities market their services:

  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety
  • Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating)
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders

    Generate More Leads
    Have Your Website Evaluated For Free!

    We specialize in online marketing specifically for mood and psychiatric rehab centers just like yours. There’s no treatment center too big or too small for us to come in and make a difference. Our approach involves treatment-specific SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) advertising. Using these methods, we deliver results and have a proven track record of helping to grow your treatment center.

    The last time you did a web search for your facility, how many pages of results did you have to click through before you found it? We can get you to page one so that anyone seeking help will be sure to see your website. We want to make it easy. After all, people suffering from depression, anxiety, and other similar disorders shouldn’t have to put in a lot of effort to find the best facility for them.

    Whether through paid or organic results – or both – we want your facility to become the number one resource in your area for psychiatric disorder treatment. Instead of wasting your time and money with companies that over-promise and under-deliver, let us build a custom digital marketing plan for you.

    How Can Online Marketing Help?

    Most people looking for help for their mood and psychiatric disorders are going to turn to the internet to research different treatment centers. Making sure yours is one of the ones they check out is crucial in generating new customers.

    Many treatment centers either don’t use SEO and PPC or they use outdated strategies that no longer. Online marketing is hard. It’s time-consuming and takes a lot of effort. When you’re trying to help those with mental illnesses, you just don’t have the time to put in to managing search engine traffic. We’ll do that work for you so you can focus on treating those in need.

    OK, So Why Funnel Boost Media?

    We know anyone searching for a rehab facility online has a very specific intent – they need your services, probably right away. That’s why we individualize our treatment center SEO and PPC for each facility we work with. We will generate leads for you so you can help more people and grow your business.

    We do our research for every one of our clients before creating compelling, relevant content that will sell your facility well to both search engines and patients. Taking the time to write this highly specified and keyword-optimized content makes a big difference in online marketing. So do proper website formatting, relevant ads, and self-promotion. These all combine to make your treatment center more recognizable.

    If you’d like to grow your treatment facility, give us a call or fill out our message form today so we can get started helping you.