Locksmith Marketing
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Rank Higher in the Organic Placement of Search Engines

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

Craft Your Online Message, Ads, and Targeting

Locksmith Marketing Company

Imagine you’ve locked your keys in your car. (It’s OK; we’ve all done it.) Obviously, you need to call a locksmith. But which one? Are they located nearby? Are they open right now? What’s their phone number? Enter a search on Google and you’ll likely type something related to “local locksmiths” and see what pops up first.

Chances are, you’ll only sift through the first few results before making up your mind. You’re not alone; most people don’t bother looking beyond the first page of search engine results, which is why it’s important to make sure your website ranks on page one.

Funnel Boost Media offers a full range of locksmith digital marketing solutions tailored to locksmiths, and to your business specifically. Our services help increase your website’s visibility in the search engines and make sure it’s there when people are searching for it. We help you compete for page-one rankings for common keywords in your field.

Generate More Business with Marketing for Locksmith Companies

Ranking on the first page of search results for competitive keywords takes time and effort. It also requires lots of unique content, keyword placement, and link generation. Our marketing experts take that time and effort because we want to see your business thrive.

    Generate More Leads
    Have Your Website Evaluated For Free!

    Search engines place a lot of emphasis on a website’s credibility and authority when ranking it. This means three things:

    1. Your content must be unique and relevant to the locksmith industry. From landing pages to blog posts, the more pertinent content you have, the better.
    2. You need authoritative sources to link back to your website. Cheaply bought or irrelevant links will only hurt you. Some marketers out there use this black-hat SEO, but not us; we focus on the best quality for your business.
    3. You need to rank for the right keywords. We research the top competitive search terms in your area and focus content around those.

    Fast Locksmith Lead Generation

    SEO campaigns take time to deliver results, which is why we recommend you invest in both SEO and PPC (pay-per-click) services. We handle every aspect of your PPC campaign, from keyword selection and bid management to ad testing and tracking. And don’t worry, we’ll keep you in the loop throughout the process!

    When you work with us, we don’t just take care of all your locksmith digital marketing needs. We also make sure our services are customized to locksmiths and to you specifically. Every business is different, and you deserve expert attention and ingenuity placed on yours. We want to be able to guarantee you the results you and your customers deserve.

    You should spend your time providing the best service to your clients, not worrying about whether people are even seeing your website when they look for a locksmith. That’s why, when you choose Funnel Boost Media as your locksmith digital marketing company, we handle all aspects of your online marketing strategy, from PPC ad tracking to SEO and more.

    Give us a call or fill out our quick contact form to get started today. Let’s grow your business!